Sunday, February 3, 2013

Safe in Ankara

We're humbled by the many friends and family who have inquired about our well being after the suicide bombing attack at the US Embassy on Friday.  We feel very, very safe

We were in school and I was in a grade 12 economics class when I received an email about 3:30 saying that there had been an attack.  The Embassy is about 10 miles from where we are to the west in the Bilkent region.  We had no idea about the suicide, could certainly not hear it, the rescue vehicles, nor any of the commotion that followed.  

Looking northwest

Two weeks ago we did use gate number 2  to enter the Embassy grounds and attend a party at the Marine House within the walls.  We needed to supply our passport numbers 36 hours prior, and inside gate 2, it was like an airport security check.  Four of us were allowed through security at a time, and then released through a door onto the Embassy grounds. Then the next four were processed. I was impressed with the security. 

It snowed Thursday
I typed a quick note to all of our siblings, yes all ten, and went back to the class.  Near the end of  class at 4:15, some of the students had read about the attack on their phones.  I explained that I had  already received two quick emails after the first from the school, one from Peggy's brother Mike, and one from niece Alison, seeing if we were fine.  The students wanted me to tell my relatives that Ankara is a safe place and none of them could remember anything like this ever happening in Ankara.  Turks are a very proud people, and anything that would shame them or their country is not taken lightly.  The students were upset thinking that anyone in the US would not feel safe in their country.  

The view from the HS entrance

After reading the news and watching the TV, I found that this is the first attack aimed at the embassy in decades.  So, with over 40 murders in Chicago in January, this is a safe place.  As a matter of fact, we were so not worried that we went out to a dinner party Friday night for a person from the school who is leaving after 20 years-the university had extra security at our gate to make us feel better-, and yesterday we went to the Ulus region of Ankara riding buses and the subway, where the old town merchants are located.  Last night we were invited to one of our third grade teacher's apartment on the other side of town for food and cards-getting home at 1:33 AM!  She happens to be married to the number three guy at the embassy, so it was interesting talking to him.  We learned that the security guard that was killed had worked at the embassy for 22 years, and was just allowed to apply for immigration to the US. He has two children, ages 17 and 12.  So, this was a sad story all the way around, and not just for America.

Sunset Friday night

I like happier posts, hence the pictures offering the beauty that we see here.  I may post again mid-week, and for sure after our return trip to Ulus Saturday to pick up a copper piece that we are having made.  Thanks again for your concern.  We are safe.  

Sunset over Peggy's school 10 minutes ago

1 comment:

  1. Got caught up with your blog(s) today. Glad you're safe, and thanks for the tour of your apartment. If we visit, we'll make sure it's not on laundry day. Look forward to seeing the new IKEA furniture.
    Take care.
